Monday, 22 October 2012

Magazine cover analysis 3

The masthead of this magazine is slightly covered by the main image, however due to this being a magazine that is well known this is not an issue. The two coloured circled letters are very recognisable and this is why there is no problem with the masthead being covered up. The masthead sticks with what most magazines do by going across the top of the magazine cover. This gives the impressions of a title- like image. The idea of it being placed at the top of magazine gives a formal impression to this type of magazine.

This magazine sticks with three main colours being: black, purple and grey. However in the masthead there are two random colours and this is used to signify individuality and this is how this magazine may attract their audience. By using purple and black it represents mystery and secrecy and therefore this could show how this magazine could have lots of gossip and interesting stories about the celebrities.

The target audience for this magazine are young males from the age of about 18-25. You can tell that this magazine is aimed more towards males as the image is showing some of ‘lady gagas’ breast. As there is some skin showing intentionally this will attract males as they will want to see more. In addition as the image is face on it creates the impression that the celebrity is connecting with the audience and that may encourage males to want to buy the magazine. This magazine only used one image for their front cover, however it dominates the whole page therefore it is effective and is appealing. By using a celebrity that is well known can also encourage readers to buy the magazine as they will want to know information about people they know!

There is not much empty space on this front cover and this is because it is packed with lots of information. By having the main cover line about the image demonstrates that there is a clear link with the image and that there is not just random information and images placed on this magazine. This could be due to the magazine wanting to show that they are the best magazine and they will want to have lots of things for the audience to read about.

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